
From Hackerspace Amersfoort
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 Project nameProject infoProject statusProject contact
Projects/Analog things meterAnalog things meterA analog meter for thingsAbandonedUser:Nickname
Projects/Bionical BodypartsBionical BodypartsBionical Arm + Bionical footAbandonedUser:Nickname
Projects/BitBackupBitBackupLocal and remote backup toolProductionUser:WilcoBaanHofman
Projects/BitBankBitBankBar & Bank appAbandonedUser:Nickname
Projects/BitBarPiBitBarPiA raspberry pi controlled cash registerProductionUser:Zarya
Projects/Bitlair TVBitlair TVGlasvezelnetwerk in Amersfoort is open gesteld. Daar willen we gebruik van maken.AbandonedUser:Nickname
Projects/BitlightBitlightBitlair lightingProductionUser:Bobo1on1
Projects/BlinkenlairBlinkenlairBlinken @ AmersfoortAbandonedUser:Nickname
Projects/BrainLedBrainledControl the ledbanner with BrainfuckFinishedUser:Gopper
Projects/CBeamMachineC-Beam MachineCNCFinishedUser:Linor
Projects/ChkregfChkregfREGF Windows NT+ Registry checker for POSIXProductionUser:Nickname
Projects/DR2C-YU1LM SDRDR2C-YU1LM SDRMonoband SDR HF S/H Sample and Hold Receiver with LO at working frequency - DR2C from 30 KHz to 50 MHzAbandonedUser:Zarya
Projects/DarknetDarknetDarknet for hackerspacesAbandonedUser:Nickname
Projects/DnD - Crusader HelmetIlluminated CrusaderJust a simple Led projectAlphaUser:Kamitor
Projects/Drakentanden & DucttapeDrakentanden & DucttapeCONCEPTAlphaUser:Kamitor
Projects/Drinks and snacksDrinks and snacksDrankjes & snacks welke te koop zijn in de spaceProductionUser:AK47
Projects/Dungeons and DragonsDungeons and DragonsDungeons! And dragons!AlphaUser:User:NovemberBravo
Projects/Encryption for camera'sStudy to encryption of camera footageA little study of mine to see if I could find a solution for a problem that some journalists have while doing their jobs.FinishedUser:User:NovemberBravo
Projects/Esther.esrac.ele.tue.nlesther.esrac.ele.tue.nlSoftware voor satelliet volg systeem voor esther.esrac.ele.tue.nlAbandonedUser:Nickname
Projects/Ethernet over phone cableEthernet over phone cableRun ethernet over a phone cable, using homeplug adapters.ProductionUser:Bobo1on1
Projects/FT-817 BuddyFT-817 BuddyBuddy box for the FT-817 radioAbandonedUser:Pe5ed
Projects/Faux TubesFauxtubesEen 'neppe' nixietube gemaakt van plexiglas en neopixels.AbandonedUser:NovemberBravo
Projects/Fusion 360 workshopFusion 360 workshopVoorbereidingen voor een mogelijke fusion 360 workshopAbandonedUser:Linor
Projects/HackDNSHackDNS.hack top level domain nameAbandonedUser:Maze
Projects/KPN Hotspots AutologinKPN Hotspots AutologinKPN Hotspots AutologinProductionUser:Nickname
Projects/KokenKokenGeïnspireerd door
Projects/KubusjeKubusjeLast December, I attended the 34th Chaos Communication Congress in Leipzig, Germany. One thing that really impressed me was a cube comprised of bright LED-panels. It’s awesome and I just had to get one of my own.FinishedUser:Polyfloyd
Projects/LED-PadLED-PadA simple remote control intended to be used with single colorLED-stripsFinishedUser:Polyfloyd
Projects/Laser cutterLaser cutterBig 100W laser cutterProductionUser:Hobbybob
Projects/Laserbuis fundraiserLaserbuis fundraiserFundraiser voor nieuwe laserbuisFinishedUser:User:Vuurtorenjeroen
Projects/Led WallLed WallEen ledwall met 512 RGB LedsAlphaUser:Nickname
Projects/Ledbanner NESNES op de ledbanner 🐄Putting a NES game (in this case Mario) on the ledbannerBetaUser:Gopper
Projects/Lego bluetooth hub controlLego bluetooth hub controlControlling Lego Technic bluetooth hubsAlphaUser:User:Rogue
Projects/MISTter G@meconsoleMISTER based games console with all the retro coresEventual location: LoungeAlphaUser:Tahtkev
Projects/MQTTMQTTLijm voor space-eventsProductionUser:User:Polyfloyd
Projects/Matrix HSMatrix homeserverMatrix homeserver tbv Bitlair membersProductionUser:User:Flimpie
Projects/Mendel90Mendel90Building a mendel90AbandonedUser:Zarya
Projects/MoneyHopperMoneyHopperI have received a great (20 or so) number of these coin dispensers.

You can have one for free, only thing i ask in return is that you share your experiences, ways of controlling this and maybe a picture of the project you created. This to help other people control their Money Hopper too!

This info i will share with the person that donated them to me and maybe we get more of these cool goodies in the future.
Projects/MuzieksysteemMuzieksysteemBitlair muziek- en videospelerProductionUser:Bobo1on1
Projects/Network Infra v2Network Infrastructure v2Network Infrastructure in the spaceBetaUser:AK47
Projects/Open DomoticaOpen DomoticaLet's launch open sourced domotica properly. Currently in pre-alpha phase.AbandonedUser:WebSpider
Projects/OpenCTRLOpenCTRLBus for home automationAbandonedUser:Zarya
Projects/PMDBPMDBParts Management DatabaseAbandonedUser:Nickname
Projects/Pe32editPe32editPE32+ editorAbandonedUser:Nickname
Projects/PhonePhoneCall +31337 114 666ProductionUser:AK47
Projects/Power MeterPower MeterBitlair Power meterProductionUser:Zarya
Projects/R2-D2R2-D2 AstromechLife size replicaProductionUser:Linor
Projects/RadioShelterAsiel voor afgedankte radio'sMet de komst van DAB+ en een totaal gestoorde AM band worden nogal wat radio toestellen afgedankt. Hier krijgen ze, ongeacht hun voorgeschiedenis, de kans op een nieuwe toekomst. Totaal uitzichtloze gevallen kunnen zich als donor inzetten. Geen radio is schroot!AlphaUser:Dugo
Projects/RafrdRafrdRealtime asynchronous replication daemonProductionUser:Nickname
... further results