Projects/Laser cutter

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Project Laser cutter
Naam Laser cutter
Beschrijving Big 100W laser cutter
Start 2012/03/11
Contact hobbybob, mro, Eightdot
Status Production

During the workshops of the 3d printer, the following idea came up..... Wouldn't it be cool to build our own lasercutter?

And so it begun.... A small task force was formed, and User: webspider, User: hobbybob and User: mro went off to take a serious look around. The result is documented below: A search for design, components, suppliers and many evenings socializing.

The reports of various meetings can be found under Lasercutter_meetings, as we explain below wherever possible designs.


Because the people who want to go create the laser cutter also have other issues on their agenda, as we join forces at Bitlair whenever we can. To avoid duplication of discussions we store the notes of the on Meetings !


The current principles are:

  • Safety first. Nothing happen unless we're pretty sure palce not cost anyone a limb or life. These lasers are not toys, and we're not going to treat it as such
  • We will use the project as a guide. Why reinvent the wheel if someone already driving a car?
  • There is room for up to five construction sites. This number we keep deliberately low, to ensure that you keep a close-knit group, and that will easily meet.
  • We share our successes, failures, and of course all the source code, drawings, etc, where they do not yet have.
  • Budget we try to keep below EUR2500


The status page for the project: Status Cutter !


De planning kent enkele hoofdpunten, iets wat sommigen dan weer graag kilometerpalen noemen en indien er een ander matenstelsel van toepassing is, zijn het ineens mijlpalen geworden.

  1. Frame: Ontwerp, bouwen
  2. X/Y tafel en electronica: Ontwerp, bouwen
  3. Support systemen zoals afzuiging, koeling, etc
  4. HV PSU en Lasertube

Op dit moment is het actuele onderwerp het ontwerp van het frame, en wordt er georienteerd op de X/Y tafel en electronica.

Foto Buildlog

31-03-2013 The ouside of the lasercutter arrived and is assembled

29-10-2015 Hobbybob's laser almost finished!

13-2-2013 Test fire lasers

10-02-2013 The laser tubes

31-10 First movements



18-07 Cutter nr 2

15-7 LAOS bordjes solderen

11-7 Eerste frame (tijdelijk) in elkaar zetten