Audio config
Install jackd1 (not jackd2 since it depends on dbus, meh). Make sure to enable rtprio and memlock permissions, the jackd installer on debian asks for this.
Put this in /etc/environment
Make a new file /root/jackd_start, chmod to 755 and put this in it:
#!/bin/bash #make sure jackd and bobdsp are terminated when this script ends cleanup() { killall jackd killall bobdsp exit 0 } trap cleanup SIGINT trap cleanup SIGTERM #JACK_PROMISCUOUS_SERVER is exported here and in /etc/environment #this tells jackd and libjack to use /dev/shm/jack instead of /dev/shm/jack-<uid> #and to set the permissions to 777, however umask needs to be set to 0 first export JACK_PROMISCUOUS_SERVER="" #allow rtprio and mem locking ulimit -l unlimited ulimit -r 95 #start bobdsp su -l bitlair -c "cd /home/bitlair/bobdsp; ./build/bobdsp -f -d" #start jackd with -l passed to su to make the environment a login shell, restart when it dies #jackd needs to run as root, probably because it needs to send signals to its clients while [ 1 ] do su -l -c "mkdir ~/.jackd; umask 0; jackd -R -d alsa -d jack51 -r 48000 -p 1024 -n 2 -i 2 -o 6 2>&1 | tee ~/.jackd/jackd.log" || true sleep 1 done
Put this in /etc/rc.local
At the top of /etc/init.d/mpd change
Then change
# Exit if the package is not installed [ -x "$DAEMON" ] || exit 0
# Exit if the package is not installed [ -x "$DAEMON" ] || exit 0 #JACK_PROMISCUOUS_SERVER is exported here and in /etc/environment #this tells jackd and libjack to use /dev/shm/jack instead of /dev/shm/jack-<uid> #and to set the permissions to 777 export JACK_PROMISCUOUS_SERVER="" #allow rtprio and mem locking ulimit -l unlimited ulimit -r 95
Use this /etc/asound.conf file
ctl.jack51 { type hw #card 0 card Audigy } pcm.jack51 { # "asym" allows for different # handling of in/out devices type asym playback.pcm { # route for mmap workaround type plug slave.pcm "surround51:CARD=Audigy" #slave.pcm "surround51" slave.channels 6 route_policy duplicate } capture.pcm { # 2 channels only type hw #card 0 card Audigy } }